Things Not Seen Podcast
#1214: EXTRA: The Dance of Faiths: John Thatamanil

This is extra audio from broadcast # 1214.  In this podcast, we talk about the politics of race and its effect on interfaith dialogue, as well as what the ideal college interfaith program might look like.

#1214: Religious Pluralism, the Dance of Faiths: John J. Thatamanil

Theologian and professor John J. Thatamanil discusses the growing field of "religious pluralism" - where the boundaries of "religion" are loosened and faith traditions are encouraged to mix and blend.  While a controversial concept to some, Thatamanil insists that theologies of religious pluralism are simply exploring the reality of religious mixture that has always been happening, whether we admit it or not.  Also on the program, David J. Dunn comments on the "myth" of the 47%.

Direct download: TNS_1214_JOHN-THATAMANIL_MONO_43m42s_airs20121007.mp3
Category:Religion & Spirituality -- posted at: 7:30am CDT