Things Not Seen Podcast
#1217: EXTRA: Head and Heart, Fully Engaged: Rachel Held Evans

This is extra audio for our interview with Rachel Held Evans, author of A Year of Biblical Womanhood.  We talk about the effects of 9-11 on Evangelicalism, and Evans's work at a small town newspaper.

#1217: Head and Heart, Fully Engaged: Rachel Held Evans

Rachel Held Evans grew up in Dayton, TN, the town made famous by the Scopes Monkey Trial. From the heart of the Bible Belt, where faith at first seemed certain and simple, she grew more comfortable with questions and doubt.  Now considering herself a more progressive (but still evangelical) woman, she tries to live her beliefs, as she puts it, with her "head and heart fully engaged."

Rachel Held Evans is the author of Evolving in Monkey Town (Zondervan 2010) and A Year of Biblical Womanhood (Thomas Nelson 2012).  A popular blogger, you can keep up with her latest posts at

Also on the show,producer Travis Ables talks about Revolution, both on television and in life.

#1216: EXTRA: Vatican II at Fifty: Bruce Cinquegrani

This is twelve minutes of extra audio from our interview with Fr. Bruce Cinquegrani, about the history of Vatican II

#1216: Vatican II at Fifty

October 11, 2012, marked the 50th anniversary of the opening convocation of the Second Vatican Council.  Called by Pope John XXIII, the decisions made at the council affected every aspect of theology and worship within the Church.  In the wake of Vatican II, the Catholic Church began to worship in native languages, reaffirmed the centrality of the Bible in the life of the faithful, and began to reach out to the modern world and those of other faiths in unprecedented ways.

Our guest, Fr. Bruce Cinquegrani, looks back over a lifetime spent in the priesthood.  Fr. Bruce's ministry parallels the last half century of the post-Vatican II Church.  Deciding to become a priest in the years immediately before the council, he entered the pastorate in a Church profoundly different than what he expected.  Yet for Fr. Bruce, and many priest like him, his feelings are not of disappointment, but of hope for what is still to come as the effects of Vatican II continue to unfold.

Fr. Bruce Cinquegrani is pastor of St. Brigid Parish, TN, and is Episcopal Vicar for Divine Worship, Spiritual Life, and Catechesis in the Diocese of Memphis.

Also on the show, Katy Scrogin reviews the Salesman and the Shark, by Sean Rowe.

#1215: Transforming Scriptures: Katherine Clay Bassard

Katherine Clay Bassard is the author of Transforming Scriptures: African American Women Writers and the Bible.  We speak about her book and the history of biblical interpretations that orbit the African American experience.  Dr. Bassard will be speaking at the University of Memphis on Thursday, October 18th, 2012.

#1214: EXTRA: The Dance of Faiths: John Thatamanil

This is extra audio from broadcast # 1214.  In this podcast, we talk about the politics of race and its effect on interfaith dialogue, as well as what the ideal college interfaith program might look like.

#1214: Religious Pluralism, the Dance of Faiths: John J. Thatamanil

Theologian and professor John J. Thatamanil discusses the growing field of "religious pluralism" - where the boundaries of "religion" are loosened and faith traditions are encouraged to mix and blend.  While a controversial concept to some, Thatamanil insists that theologies of religious pluralism are simply exploring the reality of religious mixture that has always been happening, whether we admit it or not.  Also on the program, David J. Dunn comments on the "myth" of the 47%.

Direct download: TNS_1214_JOHN-THATAMANIL_MONO_43m42s_airs20121007.mp3
Category:Religion & Spirituality -- posted at: 7:30am CDT